Throughout my professional career I have encountered many people along my path and each of them has had an impact on my life.

Some people were essential to my learning and development, others supported and supported me when I doubted my abilities, but all were equally important.

It is not always that I have the opportunity to express my gratitude and affection for these people, so I leave here my tribute to all who have accompanied me along this journey.

I warmly thank everyone who helped me and I hope one day i can give back twice for everything you've done!

I thank all those who helped this project to come to fruition.

I thank there are people, entities, friends, suppliers, vendors who, despite everything, even with a simple line, a simple trait contributed to achieve it.

I thank those who never believed in me, today I prove that I managed to get there and without their strength, I had no strength and acheer for it.

I thank my wife and children, despite the many difficulties we had, nights in the clear and for all we passed and we will still pass.

I thank the entity Tourism of Portugal, if it were not for them, I did not get

here Thank you to get where I came, with the spirit of tomorrow make this company grow a little more and make someone smile.

I leave here my word of appreciation, that this is the beginning of a new life, for me and for many people.

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