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Manufacturer and exporter of the finest embroidery and tapestries of Madeira, Patrício & Gouveia Sucessores, Lda was founded in 1925 by Adolfo Aires de Freitas Patrício and João de Deus Magno Gouveia. With a growing turnover, in March 1948 Patrício & Gouveia Sucessores, Lda has built a large property, where the factory and shop operates, which has the characteristic of being the only building in Madeira, idealized and purpose built for the embroidery industry.

On June 7, 1983, it was attributed to the founding partner, João de Deus Magno Gouveia, by the then President of the Portuguese Republic, Honorable Mr. General António Ramalho Eanes, the Comenda de Mérito Industrial, attesting to the recognition of the Portuguese State for a life dedicated to the Madeira Embroidery Industry, which led and continues to take the name of the island to the four corners of the world, through its most beautiful and exclusive embroidery.

In addition to the sale of products of rare beauty to Patrício & Gouveia Sucessores, Lda also has an important role in tourism and maintenance of Madeiran traditions, since it receives annually the visit of about 120000 tourists and also several children of the schools of the island, who here have the possibility to know and learn this unique art of the Island.

In addition to the local sale, the company Patrício & Gouveia Sucessores, Lda continues to maintain the tradition of exporting its famous embroidery, with exclusive designs, to several countries such as Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan or the United States.

Opening Hours:
  • Mon./Fri.:0 9:00-13:00 -14:00-18:00/Sat.:0 9:30-12:00
  • Pause/Interruption: Dom./ Fer.: Closed

Madeira Embroidery – Patricio & Gouveia

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