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The history of Henriques & Henriques, founded by João Gonçalves Henriques, dates back to 1850. After his death in 1912, a society was created between his two sons, Francisco Eduardo and João Joaquim Henriques, which gave rise to the name Henriques & Henriques.

From the earliest days, Henriques & Henriques has occupied a prominent place in viticulture and the art of making wine. In 1913 family interests were established in a family company which, in 1925, began its activity as an exporter of its wines to the detriment of local supply to other exporters.

In 1968, with the death of the last Henriques, João Joaquim Henriques, known as “João de Belém”, who had no descendants, the company was inherited by his three friends and collaborators: Alberto Nascimento Jardim, Peter Cossart (who made 53 vintages in the company) and Carlos Nunes Pereira.

In June 1992, Henriques & Henriques carried out a project encompassed in an expansion program, worth more than € 5,000,000, investing in the construction of new facilities in Câmara de Lobos and a new winemaking center in Quinta Grande.

The new facilities in Câmara de Lobos house the offices, laboratory, tasting room, shop, warehouses with glazed front (for aging wines in hulls) and in the (basement) stainless steel tanks of various capacities for storage and allotments.

In 1995, the Company decided to plant in the parish of Quinta Grande, a new vineyard next to the winemaking center. Henriques & Henriques is the only madeira wine producer that has its own vineyards.

The company continues to bet on the latest technological innovations, maintaining, however, the unalterable family tradition that has lasted for 200 years in the production of the best Madeira wines. Full control of all aspects of production allows H&H to produce and market wines of exceptional quality.

Opening Hours:
  • Monday to Friday: 09:00-13:00 -14:30-17:30
  • Break/Break: Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays

Henriques & Henriques Wineries


♿ 🟢 Accessibility: Easy ( Access depends on a lift )
Small Metallic Ramp There is Entrance with some inclination.

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